How to Climb a Rock : Connection & Disconnection

Disconnection is often a story of sadness, of heartache, of absence; it can also be a messenger of truth, of deeper understanding; it can be a portal to greater connection.


     More than a year back my relationship with my sibling began to fall apart.

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Erin Cookston
Five Favorite Books of 2022

Each of the books, not just the ones that made it on this list, opened my mind and expanded my imagination. Each one taught me something about life and myself, and brought more wisdom into my days.

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Erin Cookston
Members Area sneak peak // September // Calibrate

A short story from the not so distant past….

A sliver of blue pierced through the thick grey storm clouds that spread like a ceiling across the sky. We’d been crouched beneath a rock for over an hour waiting out the storm, and now, because of coldness and awkward positioning, my legs were stiff and achy. I stood up slowly, the thick ligaments behind my knees clenched down in protest.

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Erin Cookston
Books of 2021 : Four Favorites

A good story will guide you to a deeper understanding of the world.

A good book will nudge you towards a deeper connection with yourself.

And a good sentence will leap straight off the page and speak to you in the deep personal language of your own heart and soul.

Books are magic.

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Erin Cookston
It's Alright Ma, I'm Only Sighing

The memory of warm earthy wafts of coffee wakes me from the dead of sleep each morning. I spring from bed, make the blessed coffee, snag a throw blanket, cozy up with my dog, and sit near the big west facing window in my living room cradling the sacred steaming mug.

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Erin Cookston
Get Born, Keep Warm

Recently I learned that in Japan many Japanese people hold a perspective of nature they the aesthetic of change. It means that they recognize that the nature of our surroundings is forever changing, that deep appreciation of nature and the enjoyment of its echoing beauty rests in its inherent impermanence. Plants grow, flowers bud and bloom with striking vibrancy, then they wilt and die and become nourishment for the vibrancy of regeneration- rebirth.

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Erin Cookston
Buckets of Moonbeams in my Hand

There is a wild animal inside me; her free spirit and inspired instincts pulse with feeling, and new ideas, and crisp dreams, and bright colors, raw sounds, truth, heart, imagination, inspiration; a wild animal that arrantly bucks dreary normalcy and mind numbing predictability - cornerstones of the civilized…

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Erin Cookston
Walk On Your Tip Toes, Don't Tie No Bows

Every person has boundaries, ever person needs boundaries, every person needs to respect the boundaries of others. Personal boundaries are the safeguard of our well being and are tied to the depth of our soul. Personal boundaries are not only the parameters of self worth we uphold within ourselves, they are the parameters of self-worth we require from others - regardless of age, gender, or race.

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Erin Cookston Comments
Elephant Walks

Whenever I feel too small and the world too big, her large littleness speaks clear and loud, reminding me:

The largeness of the world is calling to the largeness within you. Let the largeness of your truth be drawn out of you breath by breath, step by step. Be brave, now. Be mighty. Allow your own elephant sized spirit rise to up and reach out.

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